Welcome to the Temple of Ludus!
We are an organization dedicated to advocacy of games and gaming. We are thrilled to have you here!
Our Values
If someone wants to be a part of the Temple, there are only three things they have to agree upon:
The three core beliefs of the Temple:
We believe that games are important.
We believe that people should play games if they want to.
We believe that followers of this philosophy should have the means to act upon these beliefs.
These are only the most basic of tenets but with many implied consequences. Games are important, but you don't have to believe they are the most important thing. Eating healthy and education are also very important, and Ludus makes no claim that Gaming will supercede these things. Also, while there may be many scientific claims about how games may improve your social life, sense of belonging, cognitive skills, executive functioning, planning abilities, and leadership qualities, the beliefs of the Temple do not depend on these scientific results. Beliefs are not necessarily tied to evidence, and the belief that Games are important is a decision to make playing them a goal and not a means to an end.
The belief that people should play games if they want to, has an implied corollary. No one should feel they have to play games either. While we all feel games are important, we're not going to force that on others. If folks see us having a great time and wan to learn more about games, then we'd be happy to invite them to the table. But we're certainly not going to make them feel bad if they don't seem to enjoy them.
We also think that we should have the means to play games. This can be very simple, as many games only require some space to meet and a set of rules. That space can be virtual as well. This belief may seem a bit vague, but that is intentional. As a non-profit organization, we will gather funds from believers, donors and other contributors in order to facilitate spaces to game and purchase the games themselves. Paying for the virtual spaces such as this website are also included in that.